We have a wide network with clients worldwide

Our Esteemed Clients in India

Our clients are from different fields and of different status. We cater to Traders, Manufacturers, Hospitals, Hotels, Professionals, Service Providers, NBFCs, Educational Institutions, Trusts, Societies, Associations and NGOs. They range from Small Scale to Large Scale units.

Our Esteemed Clients in Abroad

When it comes to Offshore Clients we handle their book keeping and accounting functions and also their Revenue Returns preparation work. Our list of clients include Hospitals, Entertainment Production companies, Landscaping and Property Cleaning and Management Corps, Real Estate business firms, Motels and Restaurants, Retail Distribution Corps, Financing and Investment Management Corps. They vary from individuals to LLCs.

Our Reliability

All the assignments are handled by well experienced and well trained staff who have been with us for not less than 10 to 15 years. Our track record of satisfied and long standing clients would speak for itself. All the details of our clients are kept highly confidential over the years and we have never had even a single breach of trust by any of our staff.

INTERESTED??.. Reach out to us. We are ready to serve you.

Contact Us


We will be available on Google Hang Outs. You can contact us at anand@anandandassociates.com for any chat or video conferencing. We shall respond to any mail sent to our mail ID within 24 hours except o week ends & official holidays.